My adventures in the past month have been wild and eye opening. You’ve wondered where I’ve been, haven’t you? I’m happy to report that I’ve been happy! I’m working hard and having a ball. You may be surprised to hear, however, that my adventures have mostly taken place in my brother’s apartment, at his girlfriend’s house, and in more Houston restaurants and coffees shops than I can remember.
My grand adventure during the month of January has been a logistic one, not a physical one. I’ve kept my head down and my nose in my computer, with a few phone calls here and there, for one purpose…to build my business.
It’s a dream I’ve had since I was a teenager. I knew someday I’d own a company that would produce high-quality writing that makes a difference somehow in the lives if people. It turns out part of my dream is also to help other writers.
I am building a business that matches writing jobs with the best possible writers. I have two writers working with me regularly now, and a wonderful list of others who are on tap for jobs I will go out and find to match their skills.
At the same time, I’m doing my own writing. I’m doing the jobs I am best suited for, and the jobs I really want to do. It has refreshed my love of writing and injected a new joy into my everyday work.
I know I will have challenges along the way, but I love what I’m doing, and I expect to love it more as time goes on, because my plan is to mold and shape my business in ways that are meaningful to me. For those who share some of the same values and dreams, I hope it will also become something they love, too.