I hate to admit it. My energy level is easily swayed by new stuff. I hope it
Funny how a new desk can energize you and get you out of a writing rut. It reminds me I have other ways to energize my work every day.
doesn’t mean I’m headed for a shopping addiction. Probably not. It’s human nature, right? A fresh new outfit helps us make a leap of faith in ourselves. We feel more confident and find ourselves smiling.
It’s the same with business. As a business owner, I worry. I fret. I push. I get in a rut. I lose the energy and hopefulness I felt when I first began my writing business. I refuse to believe I can’t resurrect that feeling. Recently, I did in fact do just that–with a new desk.
The desk was actually given to me by a friend who was either going to sell it or give it away. She knew I love Queen Anne style desks, and one day just called me up and said I could have it. Of course I jumped at the chance. No surprise there. The surprise was how meaningful it has become for me.
After more than three months traveling through Canada and the Pacific Northwest, I was excited to get home to Lincoln, Nebraska…for about three days. Then, I suppose in part because life at home was so quiet compared to the trip, I fell easily into a rut and stayed there, fighting to get up and get on down the road. But it was easier to stay where I was , typing on my keyboard from the soggy bottom of the rut.
When I got the desk into my office, I decided to use it as an excuse to make other changes. (Changes, incidentally, I could have made easily, even without a new desk.) I cleaned things up (which I could have done without the desk). I turned on some music and put an extra light on the desktop. From my old desk, I brought only the items I really needed. I sorted out all the cables for my computer and fixed one of my favorite snacks to munch while working. All things I could have done without the desk.
The result was a renewed attitude. I even felt as though I was breathing better. My hunched-up shoulders relaxed a little. And my jazzed-up energy level led me to produce about 50% more work than usual. I even feel as though the desk marks a new beginning for me emotionally after many months in despair post-divorce. Silly, isn’t it? Or maybe not, since it led to real changes, including writing the first blog I’ve written in ages. If it’s silly, then let’s get silly!
Carving on the desk is beautiful, and you know I’m all about the inspiring power of beautiful things. :) I feel very lucky.
So, as I sit at the beautiful Queen Anne desk today, I want to thank my friend for this generous gift. It has meant more to me than you know. And I want to encourage anyone reading this to think about your own ruts. What could you change about your environment to renew and energize your work? You don’t have to go out and find new furniture. It might be as simple as changing around existing furniture in your office.
Also, remember many of the actions my new desk inspired for me could have been completed without a new desk. I’m going to remember that and take some of those actions later without having to have a new desk to shock me into it. You could do that, too. How hard would it be to fix your favorite snack a couple times a week and set up an extra light to brighten up your world?