Editorial Retainers: Your Fastest, Best Path to Messaging Excellence
In any organization, everyone is called upon to write at some level. But some write well and some struggle with it. The problem is that those words — whether in a constituent email, CEO speech, monthly newsletter, or vendor note — can make or break your image with people who have the power to work with your organization or decide not to. And those words take a long time for some people to write. And sometimes when your staff does its own writing, the result is not as polished and powerful as you’d like.
It’s okay to ask for help to get the writing right. An editorial retainer puts the grammar, punctuation and language information you need as close as email or your favorite messaging app.
kindra@fosterwriting.com or 402-601-5483

An on-demand, live language resource for everyone on staff.
When the words throughout your organization need to be better, a professional editor can assist everyone on staff (or select staff members who carry the heaviest writing burden).
Enter the editorial retainer. This bulk contract allows you to keep an editor on-call for the number of hours you choose. Because you pay ahead, you get a discount, which makes this important resource affordable — a no-brainer when you realize your target audience is more likely to respond favorably when all the words are accurate, clear and compelling.
Look for a senior-level editor with broad experience.
Kindra’s editorial skills reach far and wide, through multiple industries and types of materials. She most likely has edited and written pieces for use in each of the different mediums, topics and challenges you’ll face over the next weeks, months and years as you work to sustain your organization.
Let her help you determine how to use language as powerfully as possible to achieve your goals. She can help create a style guide, edit specialized materials, and forge repeatable editorial best practices to ensure your in-house team can carry on independently with confidence.